Five Key Reasons To Pick A Lazer Water Boiler

There are many ways to produce boiling water for workplaces ranging from a simple jug or kettle to over-bench water boilers. However, older heating systems are inefficient, consume too much power, leave a bigger carbon footprint, and not being too subtle, look tired, not in keeping with a modern working environment. There is one simple way to overcome all of those issues, by replacing your old water boiler with a new Lazer water boiler.
Why Choose A Lazer Water Boiler?
There are five key reasons to choose a Lazer water boiler.
A Hot Water Capacity To Suit Your Premises

Heating an unused amount of hot water is inefficient and expensive. So it’s important that you install a water heater that only produces enough water for your actual consumption. The Lazer range has a number of different sized water heaters ranging from 3 litres up to 40 lite capacity. There is one for any workplace from a small office to a commercial kitchen.
Easy To Use
A Lazer water heater is very simple to use. They come with timers, and controls to make sure you only heat water during the hours you want, up to the temperatures you want. This saves your energy bill.
It also has built-in controls to ensure it never runs dry. This not only saves energy costs but also potential repair bills too.
Efficient Heating Water
With the most up-to-date construction materials, combined with the latest control technologies, a new, smart-operating Lazer will produce hot water up to 40% lower energy cost than other systems. With these sort of gains, it won’t take long to recover your new Lazer office water heater system cost.
Lower Carbon Footprint
More and more companies are taking heed of their carbon foot-print, and looking at how they can reduce their environmental impact. A Lazer water heater is a simple hey highly effective way to reduce your company’s carbon foot-print. Better yet, it can make the process of producing hot water simpler, cheaper, and easier than with an old water heating method.
A Lazer Water Heater Looks Good

The range of Lazer water heaters are not just technologically smart but visually so too. If a Lazer needs to be installed in view of the general public it can be an attractive addition to your kitchen, serving area or office. While being robust, they are not “industrial” in appearance.
Installing a New Lazer in West Auckland
If your workplace needs to replace on old water heater, seriously consider installing a new Lazer water heater. There is one to tick all your boxes. And as approved agents for Rheem Lazer water heaters, we can give you the sound advice on which one will be best for your workplace. Call us on 0800 888287
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